ANNOUNCEMENTS & NEWS I see we have a launch scheduled for Saturday, August 7, 2021


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I see we have a launch scheduled for Saturday, August 7, 2021. Can someone confirm that this launch is definitely pending weather? Also when will the final go no go be made? Will this go no go be posted on the website or sent to me via my private email? Another question involves the location of the launch. Will you all be using the Rember field or the Delwar field. what times would be good for arrival? Are there still any Covid restrictions at this time question please let me know as I have to drive about 3 to 4 hours to get there and I would like to be prepared. Any information that can come my way as soon as possible is beneficial. Also, do I need to bring anything special? Will there be food vendors there? I miss the food vendors from the metro club in New York. Also we had more than one vendor selling rocket equipment which was very nice. What can we do to make the club more exciting and better.

please let me know if there’s anything I can do to help. Prescient all your work look forward to hearing from you. Thank you hope to see you on August 7
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Tuesday or Wednesday before the launch. No food. We will be using the Dalzel field for this and most launches. No COVID restrictions, but keep an eye on this site and facebook if we have to restart this.

We will have a motor vendor for this launch.

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